Thursday, July 27, 2006

All Things Are :Possible in God

All things are possible in God. You have missed a lot in this lifetime because you didn't have the knowledge to understand what you were missing. Why do you want to continue to hold onto your limitations? Why would you want to sit there and argue with your neighbor about how messed up you are? Every time you say that, it becomes the law, and that becomes your destiny. When are you going to give that up? That silly, prideful, victimizing, degrading statement that denies your greatness? When are you going to make a decision not to be confused? Not to be ill? When are you going to make a decision to be a genius? When are you going to decide not to struggle any more? How many days must you dwindle away and miss an unbelievable reality? How many more days are you doing to postpone your manifestations of health, wealth and happiness? You don't have to miss any more. Just give it all up and let God!



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