Thursday, July 27, 2006

All Things Are :Possible in God

All things are possible in God. You have missed a lot in this lifetime because you didn't have the knowledge to understand what you were missing. Why do you want to continue to hold onto your limitations? Why would you want to sit there and argue with your neighbor about how messed up you are? Every time you say that, it becomes the law, and that becomes your destiny. When are you going to give that up? That silly, prideful, victimizing, degrading statement that denies your greatness? When are you going to make a decision not to be confused? Not to be ill? When are you going to make a decision to be a genius? When are you going to decide not to struggle any more? How many days must you dwindle away and miss an unbelievable reality? How many more days are you doing to postpone your manifestations of health, wealth and happiness? You don't have to miss any more. Just give it all up and let God!


Sunday, July 02, 2006

Dare You Believe These Powerful Truths?

I am Christ consciousness realized
I am filled with vital energy
I am the mind of God
The Father and I are one
I am wise, all-knowing intelligence
I am awakened
I am enlightened
My consciousness is expanded
I am one with all life
I am joy
I am love
I am the God in all people and things
I am immortal
I do unto others as I would have them do unto me
I am everything a master is
I am complete freedom
I take responsibility for my life
I am impeccable
I am moral
I am fearless
I am precognitive
I can see things others do not
My psychic abilities are fully developed
I know the future and make my choices accordingly
I know the thoughts of others
I leave my body regularly and remember my journey
I slumber in Twilight
I am a lucid dreamer
I remember my dreams
I control my actions in my dreams
I dream other dimensions
I dream past life experiences
I dream future experiences
My God talks to me in the dreamstate
I can fly
I see in full view my radiant body
I see clearly the energy fields of every individual
Every day my joy grows
I live in the Now
I have visions of the golden plane of paradise
I remember my life with Ramtha
I respect myself
I respect others
I experience my conscious self
I travel dimensionally
I live in the Now
I commune with great beings
I remember my past lives
I remember my future
I am fabulous imagination
What I imagine is real
I visualize easily and dimensionally
What I imagine is my primary reality
I am an alchemist
I have the power to create my life the way I want it to be
I can create anything I want
My manifestations come quickly
I effect change, I am prepared for change
I accept change in my life
I release and let go of the past
I master my habits
My passion is awe-inspiring
I am a master of focus
I raise my frequencies at will
My power of concentration is increasing
I can move objects with my mind
I am a healer
God flows through me at all times
I trust my impressions
My body is strong and powerful
I am radiant health and vitality
I am utter abundance
My cup runneth over
I am forgiven and born anew
I surrender to my soul’s journey and destiny
